Our Projects

Hagshaw Energy Cluster – Western Expansion
(Phase 1)

3R Energy, on behalf of Spirebush Ltd, submitted a Scoping Report to the Scottish Ministers in September 2022 to seek early consultation for a mixed renewable energy development on land to the west of the existing Hagshaw Energy Cluster in South Lanarkshire / East Ayrshire.

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Hagshaw Energy Cluster – Western Expansion
(Phase 1)

Wind Project

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A formal Scoping Opinion was received from the Scottish Ministers in March 2023. In response to comments made by statutory consultees as part of that Scoping Opinion, 3R Energy took the decision to phase the originally consulted development.

A Scoping Update Report for Phase 1 of the project was subsequently submitted to the Scottish Ministers in February 2024, with an updated Scoping Opinion for Phase 1 received in May 2024.

Phase 1 – Dungavel & Netherwood
(Wind, Solar & BESS)

Phase 1 comprises wind turbines within commercial forestry land at Dungavel Forest and solar panels, energy storage facilities and substation within agricultural land at Netherwood, Linburn and Burnfoot Farms. The site
boundary includes a stretch of the existing B743 public highway to allow cables to be laid in the road verge to connect the turbines in Dungavel Forest to the substation at Linburn Farm. The proposed site boundary for Phase 1 is shown outlined in red on the plan above.

Access to Phase 1, for turbine components, is currently proposed to be taken from either: J11 of the M74 through the eastern part of the existing Hagshaw Energy Cluster to meet the A70 west of Glespin (exact route tbc), then following the A70 to Muirkirk, before heading north along the B743 to the site, or, from J8 of the M74 and travel west along the A71, through Stonehouse and Strathaven before travelling south on the B743 to the site.

The Proposed Development is planned to comprise approximately 415 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy generation and energy storage output capacity in total, consisting of approximately 130 MW wind energy, 60 MW solar energy, and 225 MW battery energy storage systems.

Woodland bike ride

Community Benefits

Based on current capacity, the Proposed Development would generate up to £668,000 a year in community benefit funding (£ 26.7 million over its lifetime of 40 years) which would provide a substantial level of investment in the communities closest to the site. Potential exists to use a proportion of this funding to operate a Local Energy Discount Scheme for closest communities. Detailed discussions will be held with the closest communities about how this funding should be apportioned.

3R Energy are keen to hear the communities’ ideas on how the revenue from the project could be used to enhance the local area and deliver projects that provide lasting benefit.

Further Consultation

Following a series of public consultation events held in November 2022 in relation to the September 2022 Scoping Report, and again in March 2024 in relation to the February 2024 Scoping Update Report, we now plan to hold a further public consultation event in February 2025 to inform local communities of the proposed changes to the development, in particular the addition of an alternative abnormal load route option to the site from J8 of the M74.

This additional consultation event will take place as follows:

Strathaven – Wednesday 26th February 2025 at the Strathaven Hotel, Hamilton Road, Strathaven from 2pm to 7pm

The public consultation event will be advertised in advance in the local newspaper, online and on posters. The public consultation event will provide an opportunity for the local community to provide feedback on the changes to the project, ask any questions, and comment on the community benefit proposals.

The Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) will separately consult all relevant stakeholders on the Proposed Development once an application is submitted later in spring 2025. If you have any questions regarding this project in the meantime, please contact the project team via:


A copy of the Scoping Update Report and the public consultation events information boards are available to download


Set up a meeting or call / videocall with the project team
