Our Projects
Douglas West Wind Farm
Douglas West Wind Farm is located on land owned by our sister company, Mitchell Energy Ltd, 1.2 km south of the village of Coalburn in rural South Lanarkshire. 3R Energy (via project company Douglas West Wind Farm Ltd) developed and consented to this 45MW wind farm comprising 13 turbines with a ground to blade tip height of 149.9 metres.

The project company is now owned by Greencoat UK Wind plc, one of the UK’s largest owners of wind farm assets outside of the major energy utilities. Douglas West Wind Farm was constructed in 2021 using Vestas V-136 machines and is now operational.
Community benefit contributions of £225,000 per annum will be provided from this project to support groups and projects within the local area. Douglas West is one of the first wind farms to be built in the UK without public subsidy.
Our projects
Hagshaw Hill Wind Farm Repowering
Our projects
Douglas West Wind Farm
Our projects
Cumberhead West Wind Farm
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